Fill your staffing shortages with personnel from central and eastern Europe.
Our process for recruiting and implementing Employees is based on a dialogue with agencies like yours. Discover our methods and find out why working with us means less trouble for you.
We specialize in following industries: technical, production, logistics and gardening.
We are well acquainted with the needs of Employers located in Western and Northern Europe – before establishing our own agency, we worked and gained experience as Temporary Employees.
We regularly visit our clients’ workplaces, which keeps us abreast of changes in their needs, expectations and work realities.
This allows us to select Employees much more precisely and prepare them to keep their efficiency and job satisfaction are at a high level, while turnover and absenteeism rates are low.
20 000+
selected job applicants
4 000+
successfully sent to work
We are recruiting in following languages:
Transparent and effective partnership:
Define personnel requirements
Tell us what sort of staff you need to meet your company’s goals and get clear information on how long it will take to recruit Employees
Selection according to your expectations
We thoroughly check qualifications, skills and language proficiency by verifying documents and interviewing candidates via video chat
Taking care of transport and deployment
We arrange international transport for Employees, provide information to make it easier to start work and offer support throughout the period of employment
Reporting and optimization of the work process
We receive constructive and honest feedback from our Employees.
It allows our clients to improve company performance and communication between the Employee and the Employer, resulting in reduced staff turnover.
Selected staff to meet the needs of your customers
Thanks to a detailed recruitment and verification process for candidates, our educational offerings and a comprehensive introduction process, our employees have better English skills, lower turnover and are prepared more accurately to other competing agencies.
Find out why…
82% of our clients rate our staff better than competing agencies
English language learning
access to a modern language platform and classes with a tutor, allowing Employees to learn industry-specific language – the kind used at work
Comprehensive implementation process
providing accessible and informative handouts to help Emloyees prepare for work and the journey
Discounts to support long-term cooperation
offering discounts on transportation, education and accounting services, so Employees work with us more willingly and longer than with other agencies
Certificate of no criminal record
each candidate is verified to ensure the absence of problems with the law and at the request of the client we obtain a certificate of no criminal record
Online conversation
conducting an online interview with each candidate, which allows us to get to know each other better and see if they meet our clients’ expectations
Analysis of social media presence
checking social media profiles of candidates excluding those whose behavior indicates potential problems in the workplace