Tips - The Netherlands

What impact does your social media image have on finding a job? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

What impact does your social media image have on finding a job?

In today’s world, social media is playing an increasingly important role in the recruitment process. Recruiters are no longer limited just to reviewing CVs and cover letters – they are also increasingly checking candidates’ profiles…

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Calendar of days off in Germany in 2024 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Calendar of days off in Germany in 2024

Germany is a country with a rich tradition, where public holidays play an important role in social life. However, the number of public holidays, their distribution and how they are celebrated vary from state to…

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What documents are required to work in the Netherlands? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

What documents are required to work in the Netherlands?

Taking a job in the Netherlands is an attractive option for many people who are looking for new opportunities in the European labor market. However, in order to work legally in this country, you need…

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How to deal with homesickness while working abroad 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

How to deal with homesickness while working abroad

Homesickness is a feeling that affects many workers going abroad. Working in a foreign country, away from family and friends, can be both emotionally and psychologically challenging. In this article, we’ll explore how to deal…

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Self-employment in the Netherlands – find out the benefits and learn how to get clients 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Self-employment in the Netherlands – find out the benefits and learn how to get clients

In previous articles, we have explained what rights and obligations are associated with self-employment in the Netherlands and what requirements you need to meet to set up your own business there. Of course, setting up…

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Self-employment in the Netherlands – tax accounting and moving a business from another country 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Self-employment in the Netherlands – tax accounting and moving a business from another country

Working on your own account in the Netherlands offers many potential advantages, such as the chance for higher wages and a presence in a less competitive market than Poland. However, there are some formalities involved,…

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Self-employment in the Netherlands – a guide for people wanting to be self-employed 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Self-employment in the Netherlands – a guide for people wanting to be self-employed

If you dream of working in the Netherlands but don’t want to be dependent on an employer, you can consider the self-employment option. It’s a form of business that gives you a lot of freedom…

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By bus to the Netherlands. Why choose this transport option? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

By bus to the Netherlands. Why choose this transport option?

Destination? The Netherlands! It happened! You’re planning a trip to the Netherlands. It’s time to choose the best transport option. But not to worry. The good news is that the great popularity of the route…

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How high will your pension be after years of working in the Netherlands? Check it out! 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

How high will your pension be after years of working in the Netherlands? Check it out!

Contributions, pension insurance and… a lot of questions. Dutch pension is a topic that certainly interests all Poles who have decided to emigrate for work in the Netherlands. Are you living and working in the…

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Work abroad during Christmas. Why is it worth it? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Work abroad during Christmas. Why is it worth it?

Christmas time is a special time for many Poles. The aroma of Christmas cakes, the resinous scent of a live Christmas tree and the scent of cinnamon wafting throughout the house. However, there are some…

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Working in the Netherlands with accommodation. What type of housing does the employment agency offer? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Working in the Netherlands with accommodation. What type of housing does the employment agency offer?

One of the advantages of using an employment agency in the Netherlands is that you can live in the staff accommodation. This solution has its benefits and drawbacks – get to know them all before…

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Work for couples – the Netherlands not only for singles 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Work for couples – the Netherlands not only for singles

Thinking of going to work in the Netherlands, but don’t want to leave your other half in the country? You don’t have to – you can find attractive job opportunities for couples in the Netherlands,…

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Public holidays and non-working days in the Netherlands 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Public holidays and non-working days in the Netherlands

In every country, including the Netherlands, there are public holidays on which most Employees have time off work while retaining their right to pay. Before you plan your holidays, check when Dutch public holidays occur!…

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Behind the scenes – flex Worker in the Netherlands. Job not only for the undecided 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Behind the scenes – flex Worker in the Netherlands. Job not only for the undecided

You want to go to work in the Netherlands, so you search the resources of the Internet for a specific job offer. This is a good way, but not the only way. The employment agency…

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Life in the Netherlands – how is it different from life in Poland? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Life in the Netherlands – how is it different from life in Poland?

It only takes a few hours by bus to move from the familiar Polish reality to the different realities of life in the Netherlands. Functioning in this country, although in many aspects it is similar…

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BSN – what is it and why should you have it if you want to work in the Netherlands? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

BSN – what is it and why should you have it if you want to work in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands, as in any other country, working involves administrative and tax obligations. One of these is to obtain a BSN number. If you are going to work in the Netherlands, read the BSN…

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Behind the scenes – everything about work with flower bulbs 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Behind the scenes – everything about work with flower bulbs

Work abroad in the Netherlands can be found in many industries, but one of the most popular is horticulture. The Netherlands is famous for producing flowers and flower bulbs, and work with flower bulbs is…

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Everything you need to know about salaris, in other words, how to read a payslip? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Everything you need to know about salaris, in other words, how to read a payslip?

When going to work in the Netherlands, you will come across several documents that you may not understand at first. One of the most important is the salarisspecificatie (salarisstrook), abbreviated by Poles as salaris, or…

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Cycling the Netherlands – the bicycle as a mean of transport in the Netherlands 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Cycling the Netherlands – the bicycle as a mean of transport in the Netherlands

The symbols of the Netherlands are windmills, tulips and… bicycles! It is on this popular two-wheeler that millions of Dutch people travel every day to school, work, to do shopping or to meet friends. If…

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Opinions about work in the Netherlands. 5 good reasons to work in this country 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Opinions about work in the Netherlands. 5 good reasons to work in this country

Working in the Netherlands attracts an increasing number of temporary workers. There is a steady increase in the number of job offers not only for skilled workers, but also for those who are looking for…

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What to take on a trip to work abroad? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

What to take on a trip to work abroad?

Going abroad for work is a big decision – you will be leaving your home for a few months and will have to cope in a new place. In order to make your life and…

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Working abroad – how to find a job in the Netherlands? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Working abroad – how to find a job in the Netherlands?

A travel to the Netherlands, essentially working abroad, is a chance for stable employment and higher wages. However, it involves searching for a suitable job position and completing many formalities. You can organise such travel…

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What can destroy your chances of finding a job? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

What can destroy your chances of finding a job?

Going to work abroad is a great opportunity for positive change and a better, more comfortable life. Unfortunately, this opportunity can be easily missed by discouraging the employment agency arranging the trip at the application…

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Earnings in the Netherlands – why am I not receiving offers with a higher hourly rate? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Earnings in the Netherlands – why am I not receiving offers with a higher hourly rate?

Minimum hourly wages in the Netherlands are relatively high, especially when you consider that in some professions the working week is less than 40 hours. Usually, going to work abroad is associated with the desire…

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Why is it worth to look for a job through an agency? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Why is it worth to look for a job through an agency?

Working abroad is an option that attracts more and more people every year. New job offers for permanent and temporary workers are constantly appearing on the labour market and employment agencies abroad are constantly recruiting.…

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Don’t be caught off guard – what to look out for in job offers? 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

Don’t be caught off guard – what to look out for in job offers?

Looking for a job in the Netherlands is not an easy task. Particular offers differ from each other in many details, and each of them is described according to different criteria. So, how to look…

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