Behind the scenes – flex Worker in the Netherlands. Job not only for the undecided

Behind the scenes – flex Worker in the Netherlands. Job not only for the undecided

Behind the scenes – flex Worker in the Netherlands. Job not only for the undecided 1000 1000 ReadySteadyGo

You want to go to work in the Netherlands, so you search the resources of the Internet for a specific job offer. This is a good way, but not the only way. The employment agency is also looking for Employees who are determined to go, but don’t want to tie themselves to one company right away. Find out who a Flexible Worker is and what their daily work is like.

Who is a flex Worker?

The reality of Dutch companies is similar to the reality of companies around the world. Many employers are looking for seasonal Workers for the period when work is most intense, but some also need personnel to perform non-demanding jobs or as replacements, such as during the illness of someone who works there permanently. Employers’ need to replenish their workforce has become an opportunity for Workers from READY STEADY GO agency.

This opportunity is being seized by the flexible Workers. Who is a flex Worker? As the name suggests (flexible), it is an Employee who works for several companies. Such a person, therefore, does not travel for any particular job offer, but tries to work in multiple positions with several employers. A flex worker is therefore a flexible Worker, i.e. one who can work in a different place every day.

Who can become a flexible Worker?

Working as a flex Worker is not easy, but almost anyone can do it. Almost, because in order to do the job well, you have to be prepared to work under a variety of conditions. The only requirement, therefore, is that you do not have any contraindications to work, e.g. in low temperatures, field work, in a cold store, greenhouse, or in meat or fish processing.

A flex Worker needs to be flexible – they should be able to adapt to changing working conditions and be open to broadening their professional horizons. Those who are looking for stability and like to make plans for days ahead will not do well in this job – for the flex Worker, change is something that accompanies him or her non-stop.

The pros of being a flex Worker

Are there any perks at all to having such an attitude towards change? Definitely yes!

Learn about the specifics of working in companies across a wide range of industries

Would you like to try a job in gardening, but don’t know if you can handle it? Or are you more interested in a position as a production Worker, but are worried about whether you can handle the responsibilities? Working as a flex Worker will allow you to see which companies and which industry you feel most comfortable in. With READY STEADY GO you have the chance to test yourself mainly in gardening, logistics and production, i.e. in sectors where there is usually the most demand for seasonal workers.

By working for several companies, you will see for yourself the difference between being part of a team on one production line in a gardening company and working on a line in a food production company. As you certainly know from your own experience, the same position in different companies may require you to have different skills, and as a flex Worker you will quickly see which job you are best suited for.

Flexible job for young people

Becoming a flex Worker is a good alternative for young people who are going to work abroad in the Netherlands for the first time or who are taking their first job in life. If you too are such an Employee, you know how difficult it is to choose the right job with doubts about your own career preferences. Anyone who doesn’t know what job they’d be best suited for can find out for themselves by choosing to work as a flex Worker. It’s also a chance to find out what industry is worth looking at for your next seasonal or summer job.

Flexible work = higher wages

Being a flexible Worker is often associated with the possibility of earning more than when working in a specific position for a long time. Such Employees are desired by employers who need to staff a large number of tasks at a given time. A flex worker may therefore work in companies where overtime is currently required. More work means more pay, and after all, that is why you go to work in the Netherlands, right?

Possibility to change job quickly

The flexibility of Flexible Workers allows coordinators from the employment agencies to plan work for them in an efficient way. This means that such an Employee can more easily be scheduled to work for a different company each day. So you can change jobs quickly – if you don’t like the position you are occupying, just report it to your supervisor and he or she will find another job for you in no time.

In the case of Employees who leave for a specific job offer, such a change is not easy. The employment agency must first find an Employee to replace the person who wants to change jobs, and only then can transfer them to another company.

You don’t have to be a flex Worker all the time!

If you start your work in the Netherlands as a flex Worker, this does not mean that you will work in this way for the entire duration of your stay in the country. When you are committed to your job, you perform your duties conscientiously, the position suits you and the employer needs someone for a longer period of time, you can find permanent employment after just two or three weeks.

All you need to do is show your employer a good side and ‘score’. You will have a better chance of finding a permanent job if you have experience, perform your duties well and communicate in English. It’s a chance for a higher hourly rate and therefore higher wages, which you will achieve by working without overtime.

Short-term work opportunity

If you want to go to work in the Netherlands for a short period of time, i.e. less than three months, working as a flex Worker may be the only option for you. Dutch employers are often looking for Employees for a whole season. This involves training and introduction, and from an economic point of view, it is better to train one person for three months of work than many Employees who will work for several weeks at a time.

A page from the flex Worker’s calendar

As a flexible Worker, you must be prepared to work in a different place every day. It is therefore your responsibility to check your work schedule every day, which you will find in the agency application in the schedule area. There you will find where you will be working the next day. You will be given the name and full address of the company and told where and to whom you should report. You will also find out whether you should get there by bike or by car, and if the latter, whether you will be the driver or just a passenger.

When you arrive at the company, you report to the person who is your coordinator that day. He or she will give you the most important information about your tasks today and introduce you to your duties.

Be prepared for everything

Working in changing conditions means that you need to be well prepared for your various duties. Metal-toed work boots are required in almost every company, so have always them with you. You never know whether you’ll be working in the cold on a given day, so it’s a good idea to have thermal underwear with you; in this situation, a jacket or fleece will certainly be provided by the company. Remember also that you can purchase a welcome kit from our office.

What does it mean that you are on reserve?

Have you looked at your schedule and it says you are on reserve? This means you have no work scheduled for that day. But don’t worry because this situation can change at any time. So be prepared to leave – make sure you bring sandwiches, something to drink and warm work clothes, gloves and a hat. That way, when your work assignment is announced, you’ll be able to set off quickly.

How much does a flex Worker earn?

Working for many companies means confusion when it comes to accounting for salary. However, you do not need to fear. As an Employment Agency Worker, you will receive no less than the guaranteed rate, which is € 11.52/hour. However, this does not mean that you cannot earn more! In many companies, the rates offered are higher than the guaranteed rate, in which case you will be paid in accordance with the company’s collective agreement, the so-called CAO. If you are not yet 20 years old, you may still have age-rate in some companies – this also has to be taken into account.

Is it worth it or not? That is the question!

It is definitely worth it! Working as a flex Worker will give you plenty of opportunities to grow and find a position where you perform best. This, in turn, will make you enjoy going to work, and on top of that, you will earn more and get the chance to grow professionally or secure a permanent job for a few more seasons.