Christmas time is a special time for many Poles. The aroma of Christmas cakes, the resinous scent of a live Christmas tree and the scent of cinnamon wafting throughout the house. However, there are some people who would prefer to escape the festive chaos during the holidays. Perhaps one tempting option would be to work abroad for Christmas?
How about… going to work during Christmas?
In Poland, Christmas is probably one of the most important holidays of the whole year. It is accepted that this time is obligatory to spend with loved ones. With parents, uncles or cousins. The pressure to spend this time with the family is so great that it is impossible to deny the obligation to fulfil the annual ritual with the family. Well. Most of us adopt a conformist attitude, conforming to the encouragement of those around us and… the prevailing tradition. One way to break this obligation, may be to take a seasonal job abroad. Sounds absurd? It turns out that more and more people are taking this step.
An option for singles (and not only)
The Christmas table is also famous for difficult questions from the family. Not everyone likes them, in fact most of us don’t. What if our festivities don’t necessarily look like the ones from American family movies? We can consider going abroad. This is a good option if we don’t have children or if we are single and don’t have the smallest desire for another lonely Christmas. Couples also usually decide to take such a step. They want to spend Christmas in a different way, to explore the Christmas atmosphere of other European cities or simply… to earn good money.
While some people are partying, others are making good money
Of course, the greater part of Polonia living and working abroad decide to return home on festive holidays. This includes both permanent and temporary workers. This is the moment when there is plenty of work during holidays abroad and there is a major lack of Employees. A person who is considering an unconventional trip “across the border” can gain a lot in such a situation. Not surprisingly, there are more and more people willing to work during holidays whether it is Christmas or Easter. It is also worth mentioning that those who undertake work on a holiday are entitled to an additional day off and it must be taken during the settlement period.
What if it is not possible to use the extra day off during the settlement period? Then we can count on an extra for every hour worked on a day of the festivity. What is important, it should be as much as the salary bonus that is paid for overtime work.
Santa’s factory is working at a maximum capacity
The Christmas vacation period is a time of vacations and trips to the home country on the one hand, and a time of increased work in factories and workplaces on the other. Christmas is a period in the Netherlands where almost every industry is working at top speed. Work can easily be found in almost every industry, as the demand for Employees is huge. Broadly defined services are highly popular, and it is easy to find a job in transportation, agriculture and livestock or property protection, among others.
A day off? There are industries that cannot afford it
Especially noteworthy is the so-called continuous work. This is a specific type of work that, for important reasons, must be carried out continuously, which means in a continuous mode. This means that work should be carried out continuously for 24 hours a day, taking into account Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and days that are public holidays. Of course, this system also considers work on festive holidays.
The continuous work system applies to two situations:
- Due to the production technologies used.
- Because of the social utility.
The use of continuous work motion in companies is reasonable if machines have to work continuously for technological or economic reasons. Also, it is justified, considering the so-called social utility.
Such work cannot be interrupted for reasons of social usefulness and the interruption of work could cause huge inconvenience to a large group of people, for example, the daily needs of the population potentially could be unsatisfied. We can mention here, as an example, the work of guarding property, protecting people, the transportation industry or agricultural and livestock work.
Not much time, a lot of work and even… more cash
Working during the holidays is worthwhile for at least several reasons. One of them is the high salaries. They are the main temptation for those going to the Netherlands during Christmas. A seasonal worker in just two weeks is able to earn a very attractive and rewarding amount. This is an extremely important aspect, especially in an era of galloping inflation and all-time high prices. Importantly, prices in Netherlands stores are comparable to those in Poland. Therefore, we can return to the country after Christmas with a large boost of money.
The extras also count
When taking up work during holidays, we can also count on many bonuses. Work is in high demand, so you will be charged better overtime rates, as well as an allowance for working on a holiday or days off. In addition, a good employment agency can provide you with well-equipped accommodation, and you don’t have to bring extra bedding, cutlery or dishes with you.
When working with a recruitment agency, you also don’t have to worry about the transport to work, and if you have to commute more than 15 kilometres, you are entitled to use a company car.
Where can I find work during the festive period in the Netherlands?
It is very easy to find a job during the holiday season, and the demand for workers is huge. It is really simple to find work in production even without knowledge of the Dutch language (usually the basics of English are enough).
Why else should you consider working during the Christmas holidays?
A trip to the Netherlands at Christmas time is an opportunity to visit the beautifully decorated Dutch streets and learn about the traditions that are in use in another country. The Dutch people attach great importance to the Christmas trees. You can see them in front of almost every house. Kerstboomverbranding is a festive tradition from the Netherlands that is unfamiliar to Poles. It is based on the burning of already somewhat dried-out Christmas trees in places marked by the municipality. It is worth mentioning that many locals take part in this ritual. Christmas looks a little more modest in the Netherlands than in Poland. The Netherlands is famous for its moderation, and Christmas is treated more as a family holiday than a religious one.