Going to work abroad is a great opportunity for positive change and a better, more comfortable life. Unfortunately, this opportunity can be easily missed by discouraging the employment agency arranging the trip at the application review stage.
Why is the image so important?
A popular saying goes “Fine feathers make fine birds”. There is a lot of truth in this, especially when it comes to people who are looking for a job abroad – in the Netherlands, Germany, or any other country. In order to get a job in a profession that does not require specialised qualifications, you have to take into account that you will not be invited for a personal interview. A potential employer or recruiter from an employment agency will mainly rely on the data provided in your CV and cover letter, as well as the information that can be found about you on the Internet. Therefore, it is worth taking care of all the details that may influence the recruiter’s or employer’s decision, e.g. formal appearance of the CV, providing true and reliable information about yourself, as well as an appropriate image in social media.
Unprofessional CV
A CV is the first source of information about the candidate. If it contains errors, looks unaesthetically or negligently prepared, it will not reflect well on you. Take care of every detail of this document and think carefully about the information you should include in it. You can find practical tips for writing a CV in the article “How to write a CV to work in the Netherlands?”.
Social media image
Nowadays, social media profiles are the best source of information about the candidate. Users post photos, share music and post comments that say a lot about themselves and their interests on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Recruiters, not only those from employment agencies, but also those working for private companies, look for information about candidates in the global network. That’s why you should think twice before adding content to a public profile – a recruiter can freely browse the published content and reject a job applicant on its basis.
Discouraging features include, but are not limited to, pictures of alcoholic parties or marijuana or other drug use, the use of vulgar language in comments or posts, the publication of songs or videos with uncensored content, and seemingly amusing descriptions of one’s place of work or education, such as “Nobility Doesn’t Work” or “College of Making Noise”. The easiest way to avoid misunderstandings is to limit the visibility of your profile. Then neither the recruiter nor people outside your friends list will have access to the information, photos, or files you have posted.
Do not insult your former employer
One of the most serious mistakes that can be made during an interview is to speak in a bad way about a former employer. Insulting, name-calling, or using vulgar language while talking about your former job not only looks bad, but also leads to the belief that you will speak about your next employer in a similar manner. Questions about previous work experience or how the job ended should be answered honestly, but politely and without emotion. Negative ones may have a bad impact on the candidate’s image and the recruiter’s opinion of their attitude towards work and the employer.
No contact with the recruiter or employer
Sending your CV does not end the recruitment process, it just starts it, so you should expect that a recruiter from the agency, or even the employer himself, will contact you by phone. It is therefore very important to answer the phone, especially those from unknown numbers. Such calls cannot be ignored, because the lack of contact with the candidate is a sign for the recruiter that the candidate is not serious about taking the job.
It may happen that your phone rings at a time when you cannot talk freely or in peace. A much better solution than ignoring the call is to answer it and ask for contact at another time or write such text message. Remember that a recruiter’s time is valuable – they will make several attempts to contact you, but if they don’t get any feedback from you, they will simply stop calling.
Non-compliance with deadlines
Your attitude towards work is also demonstrated by meeting the agreed deadlines, both during the recruitment process and after its completion. Remember that the READY STEADY GO agency helps not only in finding a suitable job, but also in preparing the departure to the Netherlands. Postponing interviews or departure dates therefore affects not only your image and the recruiter’s work, but also the employer’s plans and the work of many others.
Deadlines are very important, so if you cannot make it to an interview (not just an in-person interview, but also an online video interview), let the recruiter know and the two of you can agree on a new date. However, this should not happen too often. One reschedule is acceptable, but constant rescheduling is not.
Much more serious consequences can result from changing the date of arrival in the Netherlands. The employment agency keeps a list of people who do not arrive on time – if you are on the so called “black list”, you will not receive any more offers from the READY STEADY GO agency. Not informing about the postponement of your arrival date blocks the workplace, which could be used by another employee, and also causes problems in the work of coordinators and supervisors who help employees in the Netherlands. There are various accidents in life, so if you are not able to depart on the previously agreed date, contact an employee of the agency, inform him about it and ask for a new date. Remember that another postponement may result in the agency no longer wanting to work with you, so respect not only your time, but also the time of others.
Changes are not good for you
Going to work in the Netherlands is a serious matter, and organising it requires a lot of work. Contact the employment agency only when you have decided to go, because any change of decision during the recruitment process will be to your disadvantage.